You are just throwing your money into an empty mailbox and wasting your time if you don't take the time to do it right as Direct Mail Marketing is a tricky business. On advertising, all businesses need to spend money in today's tough economic market.
Regarding how they spend their advertising dollars Small businesses must be careful especially. You should have a successful direct mail marketing campaign by following these simple steps.
The Printed Piece
Next the kind of piece you want to mail must be decided. Postcard marketing is the most successful. The next important step is the size of the postcard. But in the mailbox a 6x9 or 5 .5x 8.5 card cannot be easily missed a small 4x6 card will not get much attention.
Unusual or Colorful pictures from the receiver also command attention. To get your message out than a postcard Flyers give you more space. Just make sure enticing people to open it the front of the flyer has a message. Again, you need to make sure that encouraging the recipient to open it there is a message on the front of the envelope.
Depending on your business, as to when to send out your mail piece direct mail marketing companies must use common sense. Mailing before a holiday is good for you if you sell holiday items. Summertime is probably not a good time for your mailing if you have an adult dance studio.
The List
To people that most likely want or need what you have to offer you want to get your message. Purchasing a much targeted mailing list is the best way to do that. It is a vital help if someone is experienced with this.
To determine who you should be targeting you need to spend time speaking with direct mail marketing services in lists. It is potentially a waste of money to order lists from a website without getting advice.
The results you hope for can’t be achieved by Sending out one mail piece will probably not get you. At least once a month try to schedule a mailing to the same list for several months. The better it is the more people see your company name.
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