Telemarketing allows you to inform them of your service or product and speak to your prospects directly. Providing your prospects with quick links to your website an email campaign can be as elaborate or simple as you want.
With a sample of your product you can mail out small package, a colorful postcard or a simple letter, with direct mail.
All three can also be done. Repetition is the key to marketing. You strengthen your initial message by reaching out to your prospects using various marketing methods. Improving response rates this also gives your prospects a variety of ways to respond.
Of course, for each form the costs associated with each direct marketing method will differ. When setting a budget for your direct marketing campaign there are a few things to think about regardless of the form you are choosing.
As compared to a telemarketing list, a mailing list is usually cheaper based on list type as it's just a mailing address and name. A telemarketing list will have a phone number, mailing address as well as name. The extra element of the phone number is the extra cost for the telemarketing list.
As compared to simple mailing lists, an email list having email address, mailing address and name will also be more normally. Containing just email address and name there are email lists that, and these tend to be reasonable.
As the sourcing of this information might not be entirely reliable you might want to steer clear of these email lists depending on what kind of marketing campaign you are planning.
To the question what a direct marketing campaign is going to cost there is no straight answer as mentioned before. It's like asking what a car costs after going to a car lot. There are many variables like the model, make, year, etc that go into the cost of a car.
With direct marketing it is the same. Finding a knowledgeable list broker who can help figure out the best direct marketing campaign and explain all of these options that will work for you is the best advice.